Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why Quality Assurance (QA) Is Beneficial In The Software Development Process?

In today’s software development era, one major step is considered to be very crucial. It is the “guaranteed quality of the final product”. Quality Assurance is a vital step in software development procedure as it ensures that there are no defects or bugs in the final product. Even if the software is developed with maximum care by the programmers/developers, there are major chances of some bugs, routine issues or defects in it. QA helps safeguard the final product from breaches or potential problems that users may have.

Quality Assurance ensures higher standards in development as well as in delivered products. This results in maintaining the old customers and generating new ones. Since QA plays a vital role in building the brand value of a business, therefore Jellyfish Technologies provides end to end quality assurance services to clients across multiple domains. So that they can retain their customers for longer. Our services are highly customized and cost-effective. Read more: -

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