Monday, January 25, 2021

Progressive Web Apps: How They Can Change Your Conversion Game

 Although mobile-first thinking is vital for the success of your business, it is important to step into the shoes of your users and realize that mobile apps, after all, fill precious space on their mobile phones. People think twice before downloading a mobile app.

You might be losing out on a huge section of your potential audience if you’re not doing anything about this.

Today, leading businesses overcome this challenge by going for Progressive Web App (PWA) development.

It is simply a technology that combines the best from both mobile and web-worlds.

A progressive web app is a web application that is launchable from a user’s home screen on a device and feels like a native application as if made for the specific device that it is accessed from.

Why is it Named Progressive?

Well, PWAs work for everyone, across all browsers and operating systems.

They even work with no network connectivity. Woah! Amazed?

Thanks to their in-built caching mechanisms, they can be accessed even offline or in poor network connectivity.

They’re incredibly reliable since they load instantly and respond to interactions without pauses.

Like any other website today, they’re also highly responsive, which makes them deliver a seamless experience across devices. Searchability is also not an issue in these apps as they’re made highly discoverable.

Their engaging nature and app-like experience make them really cool.

Key features like these explain how these apps are progressive and why they’re called so.

Why Businesses Go For Progressive Web App Development

The reason that these apps are so reliable and seamless is why users prefer to use them over native mobile apps or websites.

And that is why leading businesses who do not want to miss out on any potential customers go for progressive web application development.

Here’s how PWA development can change your conversion game:

1. They provide a native app-like experience

With the look and feel of a native mobile application, and the performance and advanced functionality of a website, PWAs take user experience to a whole new level. Further, it also takes care of the speed and website responsiveness.

In short, PWAs leave no stone unturned for enhancing user experience.

Similar to native mobile apps, they contain key features like push notifications, data storage, payments, geolocation, camera, biometric authentication, and other advanced APIs. This makes them far superior to common websites that lack such functionality.

Ali Express is an excellent example of an e-commerce giant that witnessed a dramatic increase in conversion and page views after converting their mobile site to a progressive web app.

2. Say goodbye to the dreaded downtime

If you want to offer a consistent performance to your users regardless of connectivity, a PWA is what you’re looking for. A common reason why businesse go for progressive web app development is that these apps can be accessed offline and provide services.

This is made possible through their reliable built-in caching mechanisms.

A poor network would never be the reason again for your customers to turn away and damage your brand. How cool is that?

Flipkart is a great example of an e-commerce company that was able to deliver engaging web experiences to users with flaky network connectivity, by investing in a progressive web app “Flipkart Lite”.

3. They are quick to install

Unlike mobile applications, Progressive Web Apps (PWA’s) are pretty easy and quick to install. This is apparently the most common reason why users prefer these apps over native mobile apps.

They don’t need to go through the long and complicated installation and setup processes or give unnecessary permissions (that compromises privacy and security) to be able to use them.

The user experience that these apps deliver is phenomenal for this reason. This is exactly why a majority of businesses go for progressive web app development to enhance their conversion.

Ending Note

Leading players like Forbes, Medium, Alibaba, and Twitter have created excellent PWAs with great results. After Forbes developed its progressive web app, it saw a substantial increase in its impressions per page, number of users, and conversion rate.

Jellyfish Technologies is a leader in progressive web app development. With its advanced API capabilities, it can add a PWA to your already existing digital platform.

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