Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ionic App Development Company - Jellyfish Technologies

Ionic is an open-source SDK that provides UI toolbox for improving performance, building high-quality mobile and desktop apps using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It is a hybrid app development framework for generating interactive apps and cross-platform mobile apps.

Why Ionic?

Developers find it quite challenging to develop native applications. For writing the same functionality over multiple platforms (Windows, Android, and iOS), an app requires different programming languages. Along with good knowledge of multiple languages/tools, it does require the extra time of developers in recording the same logic. The process is repeated for every update or minor change in the apps resulting in time, skills and money consuming process. To overcome this issue, the Ionic framework came to the picture. It provides a single codebase to perform operations on different platforms as well as app development is an easy and time-effective way.

Jellyfish Technologies is a leading Ionic app development company. We develop easy, interactive, and visually appealing Ionic apps using JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML, and CSS. We design a front end user interface and enable native mobile app components. Our skilled developers follow essential guidelines for coding and developing various elements of the Ionic app development framework to help clients get maximum benefits of the framework. We are specialized in developing cross-platform applications, with in-house capabilities to design architecture, develop a mobile backend and test applications. Read More: - 

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