Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Microservices Architecture Solutions - Jellyfish Technologies

 Microservices are an approach to modern software applications for boosting the development process. Brands like Netflix, Amazon, Uber, Paypal, and eBay run their products on the microservices approach. In the monolithic approach, if the functionality of any component breaks down, the entire application used to get shut. Whereas, microservices divide the large software programs into independent and smaller components that reduces the dependency of the functionality on a single component only. Here, developers focus on creating large scale applications as a combination of multiple small services.

Microservices are service-oriented architecture (SOA). The benefit of dividing an application into multiple smaller services is that it improves flexibility & scalability, making the app much easier to develop, test, and understand. Jellyfish Technologies offers effective Microservices architecture solutions to organizations. We help clients in adopting the microservice architecture by consulting them with technical aspects of the microservices, advantages, related processes, and adoption strategy. Our skilled team of developers has experience in implementing microservices architecture by choosing the right platform that fulfills our client’s business requirements. Read More: -

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